We went on a discovery walk through the garden to see how many different types of flowers were in bloom. We reported on our research and decided that the flowers were different colors, different shapes, some were dead, and some were still growing.
We noticed that the bees were visiting some flowers, but not others. The big red flower with all the pollen was not attracting bees. The bees seem to be visiting white flowers and yellow flowers. We learned that bees see ultraviolet spectrum colors. Red does not show up in this spectrum, so bees usually don't notice red flowers.
We used a blue viewing lens to look at the red flowers the way a bee would see them.
We noticed that the color red just blended into the background.
Some of our students chose to find a quiet place in the gan and journal. They chose an area near a favorite flower. Then they documented their choice by sketching the flower.
The younger students used bee finger puppets, and pretended to pollinate the flowers in the garden.
They chose the flowers based on color. They remembered that bees don't see the color red